Video Job Interview Tips: Before, During, and After

Have a virtual job interview coming up? We’ve got you covered! Here are some valuable tips to remember when you’re preparing for and participating in an online video interview with a potential employer.

Before the interview…

Test your technology

Is your interview being conducted via Skype? Microsoft Teams? Zoom? There are many videoconferencing options to work with—so find out which one your interviewer prefers before using that technology to perform a test run with a friend. Make sure your video is clear, your audio quality is crisp, and your internet connection is stable.

Clean your space

Make sure that your space is tidy, quiet, and has good lighting. As a general rule of thumb, your light source should come from overheard or behind the camera. Lighting should never come from directly behind you, so don’t sit with your back against an open window—otherwise, it will give you a shadowy, distorted look.

Print your resume

Have your resume, the job description for the position you’ll be talking about, and a list of questions to ask your interviewer right in front of you for easy access. Printing these out to use as reference points during your conversation will be helpful for the interview.

Look your best

Just because you’re off-site doesn’t mean you can’t look your best! Dress for a video interview as you would for a face-to-face interview. Be sure you’re looking professionally from head to toe.

Eliminate distractions

Be sure to schedule your interview at a time you know your space will be quiet. For working parents, it makes sense to plan your conversation during your child’s nap time or while they are taking virtual courses. Silence your cell phone and disable the notifications on your computer. Finally, do your best to eliminate background noise like your television volume, barking dogs, or outdoor traffic.

During your interview…

Focus on your body language

Prioritize good posture to make sure you are not slouching over your desk. Sit on the front half of your chair to avoid the appearance of leaning back casually. Smile and nod when appropriate to indicate that you are listening and fully engaged during the conversation. 

Look at the camera

It may be your instinct to look at the image of yourself or your interviewer, but looking straight into the camera is the equivalent of maintaining eye contact, which shows your interviewer that you are engaged. 

Pro tip: Adjust the window in your browser so the images are as close to your camera as possible. This will ensure that your eyes are always looking directly at the camera.

Manage your time

Video interviews are often shorter than in person, so it is important to answer questions very clearly and concisely without rambling. When it’s time to conclude the interview, wrap up by thanking the interviewers and inquiring about what the timeline will look like. 

After the interview…

Follow up

Always follow up with an email to your interviewers that thanks them for their time. And don’t forget to convey your interest in the role and excitement about the next steps in the hiring process. By showing your passion, you’ll be well on your way to landing an awesome new opportunity! 

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