Introducing Perk Savvy: Exploring the Startup Perks Universe Part I: Unlimited PTO

Beyond the buzz of tech disruptors lies a world of tantalizing benefits and perks that continue to redefine the workplace experience. Startups have become synonymous with innovation and agility, but it’s not just their groundbreaking products and services that set them apart. It’s also the extraordinary perks they offer their employees—perks that range from the practical to the downright extraordinary.

Think: Employer-subsidized pet insurance, financial planning assistance, home office stipends, paid volunteer days, mandatory PTO, and more. 

Why are we so intrigued by these benefits?

Beyond the allure of free snacks and ping-pong tables—although those can be pretty cool—startup perks reflect a profound shift in how companies view and value their most important asset: their people. Startups understand that a motivated, well-cared-for team is the heartbeat of innovation.

So whether you’re a startup enthusiast, an HR professional looking for inspiration, or simply someone curious about the future of work, we invite you to follow along with our brand new series, Perk Savvy. In it, we will deconstruct and explore some of these unique perks and benefits to determine whether they are beneficial for you and your team when all is said and done. 

Should You Offer Unlimited PTO at Your Startup?
Behind the flashy headlines of companies offering unlimited PTO is the reality of those who must abide by it. It’s become a trendy perk, specifically in the startup realm, promising employees the freedom to take time off without worrying about a threshold. But, does it really deliver on this promise?

In the fiercely competitive landscape of startups, attracting and retaining top talent is essential for success. One of the ways companies strive to accomplish this is by offering enticing benefits to employeessuch as unlimited PTO. In fact, 72 percent of workers name unlimited PTO as the number one most valued emerging benefit, and 65 percent would like their employer to offer it. However, unlimited PTO comes with its own set of pros and cons. In this blog, we’ll delve into the question of whether or not unlimited PTO is a good benefit to offer for a startup.

Pros of unlimited PTO for startups

  • Attracting top talent: In a market where startups often compete with established companies for skilled professionals, offering unlimited PTO can be a compelling way to attract top talent. Why? 86 percent of Americans wish they had more PTO, and offering it signals that your company values work-life balance and trusts its employees to manage their time responsibly.
  • Flexibility and autonomy: Unlimited PTO provides employees greater flexibility and autonomy over their time. This can result in increased job satisfaction, as employees feel empowered to balance work and personal life in a way that suits them.
  • Reduced administrative burden: Traditional PTO policies often involve tracking accrued hours, requesting time off, and managing carryover balances. Unlimited PTO simplifies this process, reducing administrative overhead for startups with limited resources.
  • Increased productivity: Paradoxically, unlimited PTO can sometimes lead to increased productivity. When employees are not confined to a set number of days off, they may be less likely to take “sick days” when they need a mental break, resulting in a more engaged and focused workforce.

Cons of unlimited PTO for startups

  • Abuse and ambiguity: The biggest concern with unlimited PTO is the potential for abuse and ambiguity. Some employees may take advantage of the policy, leading to reduced overall productivity and potential resentment from coworkers.
  • Cultural shift: Implementing unlimited PTO requires a cultural shift within the organization. It demands trust in employees to manage their time responsibly, which may not align with the startup’s current culture.
  • Liability and legal considerations: Unlimited PTO can have legal and financial consequences if it is not implemented correctly. Startups need to be aware of labor laws and ensure appropriate policies are in place.
  • Communication challenges: Clearly communicating the expectations and guidelines around unlimited PTO is essential. Misunderstandings and conflicts can arise if employees are unsure of when and how to take time off.


While unlimited PTO can be an attractive benefit for startups, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The decision to offer unlimited PTO should be carefully considered in the context of your company’s culture, resources, and goals.

Startups that choose to offer unlimited PTO should establish clear guidelines and expectations, foster a culture of responsibility, and be prepared to address potential issues as they arise. When implemented thoughtfully, unlimited PTO can be a valuable tool for attracting and retaining top talent, improving work-life balance, and ultimately contributing to the startup’s success. However, it is not without its challenges, and startups should weigh the pros and cons carefully before making this important decision.

This blog was written by Sarah Garcia.

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